VI International Scentific Conference on
High Technology for Sustainable Development


October 12-13, 2023

Sofia, Bulgaria


The conference is held within the "Days of Science of Technical University - Sofia"


organized by


Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (CEEC)


IEEE Bulgaria Section


Conference Committees
Invited Speakers
Important dates
Call for papers
Paper presentation
Paper Templates and Downloads


Paper Submission
Conference Programme



with the support of
Technical University of Sofia
Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions (FNTS)
University of Technology of Troyes
Knowledge Society Institute

The conference is annual and has been held for 5 consecutive years.
During this period over 330 scientific papers have been presented in the conference areas with participants from Europe, Africa and Asia. The papers can be found in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Aims of the conference
The aim of the conference is to provide exchange of information and experiences on the new developments, trends and applications under industrial and academic view points in the field of high technology for sustainable development, as well as to stimulate personal contacts and fruitful cooperation, especially between industrial and academic institutions.

The working languages of the conference are English and French.

Workshop “French High Technology” will be organised during the conference.

All accepted and presented papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Exhibition will be organised during the conference.



Last Page Updated on 23-06-2023

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